PO Change Request

PO Change Request


The X-Tech Purchase Change Request module allows system users and suppliers which have access to the supplier portal to create Change Requests (CR) for quotations received from X-Technology. When the changes are received, system users may accept or reject quotation changes requested by the supplier and inform the supplier about the decision. 

The 2 modules combined allows following changes on the purchase orders: 

  • Update purchase order lines:
    • Product price
    • Product quantity
    • Expected product arrival date. 
  • Add new purchase order lines
  • Remove purchase order lines


To use the module functionalities, listed applications/modules have to be installed already in the Odoo database: 

  • Odoo Purchase app
  • Odoo Inventory app
  • X-Tech Purchase Change Request (technical name: xtech_purchase_change_request)
  • Purchase Delivery Split Date (technical name: purchase_delivery_split_date)

The modules can be installed via Apps (to search for modules, please remove the standard “Apps” filter: 

If modules exist in the database, they can be found via search: 

Change Request Fields

There are several simple fields that can and need to be used in a CR, namely:

Purchase Order

Automatic based on the PO


Not mandatory

Limited to 110 characters.

Confirm Date

Automatic. Date when CR is confirmed.

Created On

Automatic. Date when it was created.


The reason field needs to be configured before being used. Reasons can be created according to the need of the customer below:

Reasons can't be deleted after having been used in CRs. They can only be archived.


The action defines the type of change to be applied to the Purchase Order Line (PO Line). There 3 types of action:

  • Update (PO Line)

  • Remove (PO Line)

  • Add (PO Line)


In order for the Change Request to be confirmed all the change request lines need to be marked with a decision:

  • Accepted -> Modification in the PO is applied
  • Rejected -> Modification is not applied in the PO

Creating Change Requests


It's possible to create a CR in the backend either by clicking on the button "Create Change Request" or by clicking new in the Change Request Menu (accessible through Reporting / Change Requests or by clicking the Smart Button).

Once opened the user needs to fill in all the fields shown above. When a decision is set for all change request lines, the CR can be confirmed and then sent to the customer by clicking on "Confirm" and "Send by Mail". The changes will be reflected on the PO.

When a line is added the values will be pre-filled to facilitate the usage of this feature.

When there is no change, the text is highlighted in blue. When there are wrong values the text becomes red. The changed values are shown in bold.


After receiving the request for quotation, suppliers can confirm the PO immediately or request change via buttons marked in the image above. 

After clicking Request change, the supplier will be shown a pop-up where the changes can be made. The products will be listed on the right side and in order to perform changes on the order lines, supplier has to press + button, then enter the preferred changes and click “Create”: 

After change request creation, the pop-up message will appear and the request will be sent to the system for review:

Consecutively, the change request is created in Odoo, activity message is created and the users may process it as explained in the sections above: 

When can Change Requests be Created

  • From PO state "RFQ Sent" to "Locked" 
  • While there are pairs of pickings with pickings which haven't been transmitted or done
  • There might be other conditions

What Can be Included in a Change Request

Ading lines to the CR request be done in two ways:

  • "Add a Line"
  • "Select Multiple Lines"

The selection of PO Lines is conditional and depends on the following points:

  • If units of PO line have already been delivered it's not possible to add the lines to the CR.
  • If the picking where that PO Line is referenced has already been transmitted to the WMS it's not possible to add the lines.

Change Request Menu

The Change Requests Menu can be access by going to Purchase / Reporting / Change Requests:

Mass Update

To update the change request lines in mass there is a button called "Mass Update":

This button works based on the selection of CR lines on the right side or by clicking on the button "Select/Deselect All Lines". "Add" CR lines are not possible to be added to prevent users from massively adding products.

In the Mass Update wizard it's possible to select the action type:

  • Update
  • Remove
  • Update Decision