Procuros <> Odoo integration : Product Description
Procuros is a platform allowing you to exchange transactions (order-to-cash or purchase-to-pay) with trade partners, independently of the systems they are using.
With the Procuros integration module, you will be able to seamlessly integrate Odoo with Procuros, establishing a bi-directional communication between your Odoo and your Procuros environment.
Order-to-cash : processes for Suppliers
If you are a supplier, you can use Procuros to communicate with your customers. The integration covers the following use-cases.
Importing sales orders
Sales orders are imported from Procuros with the following data :
- Procuros transaction ID
- Buyer information: buyer identifier (GLN:GS1 format)
- Supplier Information: Supplier Identifier (GLN:GS1 Format)
- Ship To Information: Buyer Identifier (GLN:GS1Format)
- Bill To Information: Buyer Identifier (GLN:GS1Format)
- Order: Order Identifier, Order Date, Requested Delivery Date, Currency
- Product: Product Identifier (Barcode:GS1 Format), Line Number, Quantity, IsDepositItem, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Product Description, Unit Price
The following standards are configurable in the integration settings :
- Standard warehouse
- Standard locations
- Standard shipping method
- Standard payment terms
- Standard salesperson
- Standard sales team
The integration allows you to :
✅ Manually import orders
✅ Automatically import orders (scheduled import)
Exporting shipment (Shipping Notice)
Shipping Notices are exported with the following data:
- Buyer Information: Buyer Identifier (GLN:GS1Format),
- Postal Address: City, Country Code, Name, Postal Code, Street
- Ship To Information: Buyer Identifier (GLN:GS1Format)
- Bill To Information: Buyer Identifier (GLN:GS1Format)
- Supplier Information: Supplier Identifier (GLN:GS1Format)
- Shipping Information: Shipping Notice Identifier, Shipping Notice Date, Requested Delivery Date, Expected Delivery Date, Order Identifier, Order Date, Carrier, Tracking Number, Transport Units (Order Line Number,Product Identifier (Barcode:GS1 Format))
- Product: IsDepositItem, Shipped Quantity, Product Description , Line Number, Ordered Quantity
The integration allows you to:
✅ Manually export shipping notices
✅ Automatically export shipping notices (scheduled export)
Exporting Invoices and Credit Notes
Invoices and Credit notes are exported with the following data :
- Buyer Information: Buyer Identifier (GLN:GS1Format)
- Supplier Information: Supplier Identifier (GLN:GS1Format)
- Postal Address: City, Country Code, Name, Postal Code, Street
- Invoice: Invoice Identifier, Invoice Date, Currency
- Shipping Information: Shipping Notice Identifier, Shipping Notice Date
- Order: Order Identifier, Order Date, Payment Terms (PayInNumberOfDays, Percentage)
- Product: Product Identifier (Barcode:GS1 Format),IsDepositItem, Quantity, UnitPrice, Description
- Tax: Amount, Percentage, Description, Tax Amount Per Unit
The integration allows you to :
✅ Manually export invoices and credit notes
✅ Automatically export invoices and credit notes
✅ Automatic handling of deposit addition on invoices
Purchase-to-pay : processes for Customers
If you are using Procuros to communicate with your suppliers, you can use the much. Procuros <> Odoo integration for the following use-cases.
Export requests for quotations
Requests for quotations are exported with the following data:
- Buyer Information: Buyer Identifier (GLN:GS1Format)
- Supplier Information: Supplier Identifier (GLN:GS1Format)
- Order: Order Identifier, Order Date, Currency, Requested Delivery Date
- Bill To Information: Buyer Identifier (GLN:GS1Format)
- Ship To Information: Buyer Identifier (GLN:GS1Format)
- Product Identifier (Barcode:GS1 Format), Line Number, Quantity, IsDepositItem, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Product Description, Unit Price
The integration allows you to :
✅ Manually export requests for quotations
✅ Automatically export requests for quotations (scheduled export)
✅ Automatically confirm requests for quotations into purchase orders after successful transmission of the transaction
Importing shipment (Shipping Notice)
When your supplier sends a shipping notice related to your order, shipment is imported with the following data:
- Procuros Transaction ID
- Order Information: Order Identifier, Order Date
- Carrier Information: Carrier, Tracking Number, Tracking Url
The integration allows you to :
✅ Manually import shipment
✅ Automatically import shipment (scheduled import)
✅ Automated notification on respective purchase orders
✅ Automated entry of tracking numbers into open receipts
Importing invoices and credit notes
Invoices and credit notes are imported with the following data:
- Procuros Transaction ID
- Buyer Information: Buyer Identifier (GLN:GS1Format)
- Supplier Information: Supplier Identifier (GLN:GS1Format)
- Postal Address: name, Street, City, Postal Code, Country Code
- Ship To: Name, Identifier, Postal Address
- Bill To: Name, Identifier, Postal Address
- Invoice Information: Invoice Identifier, Invoice Date
- Shipping Information: Shipping Notice Identifier, Shipping Notice Date
- Order Information: Order Identifier, Order Date,
- Payment Terms: PayInNumberOfDays, Percentage, Currency
- Product Information: linenumber, identifier, IsDeposit, Description, Quantity, UnitPrice, IsInvoiceItem, UnitOfMeasure
- Tax Information Amount, Percentage, Description
The integration allows you to:
✅ Manually import invoices and credit notes
✅ Automatically import invoices and credit notes (scheduled import)
✅ Automatically match to existing purchase order
✅ Automated tax and payment term control